National security and defence strategies
National Security Strategy
National Defence Strategy
National Defence Strategy
Bulgarian Armed Forces Doctrine
National cybersecurity strategy
Cyber Resilient Bulgaria 2020
Digital transformation of Bulgaria for period 2020-2030
National program “Digital Bulgaria 2025"
National legislation
Cybersecurity Act
National cybersecurity strategy
National Cyber Security Strategy: Canada’s Vision for Security and Prosperity in the Digital Age
National security and defence strategies
The Republic of Croatia National Security Strategy
The Croatian Armed Forces Long−Term Development Plan 2015−2024
National cybersecurity strategy
The National Cyber Security Strategy of the Republic of Croatia
National legislation
Information Security Act
National security and defence strategies
White Paper on Defence
National cybersecurity strategy
Statements on international law
Statement at Second substantive session of OEWG
National security strategy
Agreement for Danish Defence 2018-2023
National cybersecurity strategy
Cybersecurity strategy for the shipping sector 2019-2022
Joint Doctrine for Military Cyberspace Operations
National legislation
Law no. 436 of 8 May 2018 on Network and information security for domain name systems and certain digital services
National security and defence strategies
Statements on international law
Estonian contribution on how international law applies to the use of ICTs by states for part of an annex to the UN GGE (2019-2021) consensus report
National security and defence strategies
Strategic Review of Defence and National Security 2017
National cybersecurity strategy
France’s international digital strategy
Strategic Review of Cyber Defence
Cyber defence policy
Statements on international law
National security and defence strategies
National cybersecurity strategy
UP KRITIS: Public-Private Partnership for Critical Infrastructure Protection
Cyber Security Strategy for Germany 2021
National legislation
IT Security Act
Regulation amending the BSIG in terms of identifying critical infrastructure
Statements on international law
Position paper on the application of international law in cyberspace
National security and defence strategies
Hungary's National Military Strategy
National cybersecurity strategy
National Cyber Security Strategy of Hungary
National legislation
Act on the Electronic Information Security of Central and Local Government Agencies
National cybersecurity strategy
Parliament Resolution on Cybersecurity, Communication, Postal Services and Registers in Iceland
National security and defence strategies
Parliament Resolution on a National Security Policy for Iceland
National security and defence strategies
National Defence Plan 2017-2019
Strategic Concept of the General Staff Chief of Defence
Ministry of Defence Multi-Year Planning document 2021-2023
National cybersecurity strategy
Directive on National Cybersecurity
National CyberSecurity Strategy 2022-2026
Implmentation plan National Cybersecurity Strategy 2022-2026
National legislation
Decree on National Cyber Security
Legislative decree implementing the EU NIS Directive
Decree on the organisation and functioning of the CSIRT
Decree on the security provisions and integrity of electronic communications networks and notification of significant incidents
Statements on international law
Italian Position Paper on International Law and Cyberspace
National security and defence strategies
National cybersecurity strategy
National Armed Forces Cyber Defence Unit (CDU) Concept
Cyber Security Strategy of Latvia 2019–2022
National Security and Defence Strategies
National Security Strategy of the Republic of Lithuania
White Paper on Lithuanian Defence Policy
The Military Strategy of the Republic of Lithuania
National cybersecurity strategy
Cyber Security Strategy of Montenegro 2018-2021
National security and defence strategies
Working Worldwide for the Security of the Netherlands: An Integrated International Security Strategy 2018-2022
Nederlandse Defensie Doctrine 2019
National cyber security strategy
Roadmap for Digital Hard- and Software Security
Defence Cyber Strategy 2018: Investing in digital military capability
International Cyber Strategy: Towards an integrated international cyber policy
Statements on international law
International law in cyberspace
North Macedonia
National cyber security strategy
List of measures – National Cyber Security Strategy for Norway
Statements on international law
Norway’s national contribution on the subject of how international law applies to the use of ICTs by State, published in A/76/136
National security and defence strategies
National cybersecurity strategy
Cybersecurity Strategy of the Republic of Poland for 2019-2024
National legislation
Act on the National Cyber Security System
National security and defence strategies
National Strategic Defence Concept
National cybersecurity strategy
Political Guidance for Cyber Defence
Cyberspace Information and Security Strategy
National legislation
The Legal Regime of Cyberspace Security (Law No. 46/2018)
National security and defence strategies
National Defence Strategy 2015‐2019: A Strong Romania within Europe and the World
National cybersecurity strategy
Romania's Cyber Security Strategy and the National Action Plan on Implementation of the National Cyber Security System
National legislation
NIS Transposition Act
Statements on international law
Romania’s national contribution on the subject of how international law applies to the use of ICTs by State, published in A/76/136
National security and defence strategies
National cybersecurity strategy
The National Cybersecurity Strategy 2021-2025
National security and defence strategies
Resolution on the National Security Strategy of the Republic of Slovenia
White paper on Slovenian Defence Policy
National cybersecurity strategy
National legislation
Information Security Act
Statements on international law
Deepening our understanding of GGE norms on responsible States behaviours
National security and defence strategies
National Security Strategy
United Kingdom
National security and defence strategies
National Security Strategy and Strategic Defence and Security Review 2015: A Secure and Prosperous United Kingdom
National cybersecurity strategy
Civil Nuclear Cyber Security Strategy
Government Cyber Security Strategy: 2022 to 2030
Statements on international law
Cyber and International Law in the 21st Century
Application of international law to states’ conduct in cyberspace: UK statement
United States of America
National security and defence strategies
National Security Strategy of the United States of America
National Defense Strategy of the United States of America: Sharpening the American Military’s Competitive Edge
National cyber security strategy
National Cyber Strategy
US Department of Homeland Security Cybersecurity Strategy
Department of Defense Cyber Strategy
Cybersecurity National Action Plan
Department of State International Cyberspace Policy Strategy
National Strategy to Secure 5G of the United States of America
National legislation
Presidential Executive Order on Strengthening the Cybersecurity of Federal Networks and Critical Infrastructure
NIST Small Business Cybersecurity Act
Cybersecurity Act of 2015
Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2014
National Cybersecurity Protection Act of 2014
Current legislative proposals in the US Congress
Statements on international law
International Law in Cyberspace
International Law and Stability in Cyberspace
the USA’s national contribution on the subject of how international law applies to the use of ICTs by State, published in A/76/136
National cyber security strategy
National Cyber Security Strategy of Afghanistan (NCSA)
National security and defence strategies
Strong and Secure. A Strategy for Australia’s National Security
2016 Defence White Paper
Foreign Policy White Paper
National cybersecurity strategy
Australia's Cyber Security Strategy
Australia's International Cyber Engagement Strategy
Critical Infrastructure Resilience Strategy and Policy Statement
Statements on international law
Australia's position on how international law applies to state conduct in cyberspace
Supplement to Australia’s Position on the Application of International Law to State Conduct in Cyberspace
Australia’s submission on international law to be annexed to the report of the 2021 Group of Governmental Experts on Cyber
National cybersecurity strategy
National Strategy of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the Development of the İnformation Society for the years 2014-2020
National cyber security strategy
National Cybersecurity Strategy
Bosnia and Herzegovina
National security and defence strategies
Bosnia and Herzegovina Strategy for Prevention and Fight Against Terrorism
National cyber security strategy
Development announced April 2015
National security and defence strategies
National Defence White Book
National Defence Policy and Strategy
National cybersecurity strategy
National Cybersecurity Strategy
National Information Security Policy
Brazilian Strategy for the Digital Transformation
Statements on international law
Brazil’s national contribution on the subject of how international law applies to the use of ICTs by State, published in A/76/136
National security and defence strategies
National Security Strategy
National Military Strategy
National cyber security strategy
National Cybersecurity Strategy
International Strategy of Cooperation on Cyberspace
Cybersecurity law of the People's Republic of China
Statements on international law
China's Positions on International Rules-making in Cyberspace
Costa Rica
National cybersecurity strategy
National Cybersecurity Strategy of Costa Rica
National security and defence strategies
National cyber security strategy
National cyber security strategy
Development announced March 2015
National cyber security strategy
Cyber Security Strategy of the Ministry of Defence of Georgia 2021-2024
National cyber security strategy
Ghana National Cyber Security Policy & Strategy
National cyber security strategy
Development announced Feb 2014
National cyber security strategy
National Cyber Security Policy
Statements on international law
Declaration of General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran Regarding International Law Applicable to the Cyberspace
National legislation
Background for the Government Resolutions Regarding Advancing the National Preparedness for Cyber Security and Advancing National Regulation and Governmental Leadership in Cyber Security
Statements on international law
Israel’s perspective on Key Legal and Practical Issues Concerning the Application of International Law to Cyber Operations
National security and defence strategies
National cybersecurity strategy
Policy documents on the National center of Incident readiness and Strategy for Cybersecurity (NISC)'s website
Statements on international law
Statements of the Government of Japan on International Law Applicable to Cyber Operations
National cyber security strategy
National Information Assurance and Cyber Security Strategy (NIACSS)
Statements on international law
Kazakhstan’s national contribution on the subject of how international law applies to the use of ICTs by State, published in A/76/136
National cyber security strategy
Cybersecurity Strategy
Statements on international law
Kenya’s national contribution on the subject of how international law applies to the use of ICTs by State, published in A/76/136
National cyber security strategy
The National Cyber-Security Policy
National cyber security strategy
Malta Cyber Security Strategy
National cyber security strategy
National Strategy for Modernization of Administration and ICT 2012-2016
National cyber security strategy
National Cyber Security Strategy 2014-2019
National cyber security strategy
Estrategia Nacional de Ciberseguridad
New Zealand
National cyber security strategy
Development announced in Mar 2014
National legislation
National Cyber Security Council Act
National cyber security strategy
National Strategy for Cyber Security and Critical Infrastructure Protection
National security and defence strategies
National Security Strategy of Russian Federation
National cyber security strategy
Concept of Russia’s Cyber Security Strategy - draft underway (as of Jan 2014)
State Policy on International Information Security
National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence Development until 2030
Strategy of Information Security trends and developments in Financial Sector 2019-2021
Information Society Development Strategy 2017 – 2030
Concept of state system detection, prevention, and elimination of consequences of computer attacks on information networks
Statements on international law
Russia’s national contribution on the subject of how international law applies to the use of ICTs by State, published in A/76/136
National legislation
Manual on Methods of Threat Assessment to Information Security by the Federal Service for Export Control
Government Decree "Regulations for preparation and use of telecommunication network resources to ensure operation of critical information infrastructure"
Federal law on Security of Critical Information Infrastructure
Government Decree "Regulations for state oversights of critical information infrastructure security”
Federal Law on National Security
National cyber security strategy
Samoa National Cyber Security Strategy
National cyber security strategy
National Information Security Strategy in Saudi Arabia (in development as of Feb 2013)
National cyber security strategy
National Cyber Security Masterplan 2018
Factsheet on National Cyber Security Masterplan
The Singapore Cybersecurity Strategy 2021
Statements on international law
Singapore’s national contribution on the subject of how international law applies to the use of ICTs by State, published in A/76/136
South Africa
National security and defence strategies
South African Defence Review
National cyber security strategy
Cyber Security Policy of South Africa
South Korea
National cyber security strategy
National Cyberstrategy NCS
Statements on international law
Switzerland’s national contribution on the subject of how international law applies to the use of ICTs by State, published in A/76/136
Comprehensive Cyber Concept: Concept for the further development of the Swiss Armed Forces' capabilities in cyber and electromagnetic space until the mid-2030s
National cyber security strategy
National cyber security strategy - drafting underway (June 2016)
Trinidad and Tobago
National security and defence strategies
Strategic Defense Bulletin. 2030 vision
Military Security Strategy (Defense Strategy) of Ukraine
National Security Strategy of Ukraine
Law “On National Security of Ukraine”
National cyber security strategy
Cyber Security Strategy of Ukraine
Information Security Doctrine of Ukraine